African Mountain Research Foundation is a UK charity which aims to safeguard southern Africa’s mountain systems by generating high elevation hydro-meteorological data and nurturing an active community of regional mountain science practice.

Our Mission

To install automatic weather stations and research centers in the remote mountain regions of southern Africa

To share the data that these stations generate to anyone who may need them

To grow a community of practice around the southern African mountains

To work with partners in the region to safeguard biodiversity and water security.

Trustees & director profiles

Alex Hickman
Photo of Ralph Clark
Tamuka Magadzire
Graham Thomas
Clara Hickman


Collaborating with universities, NGO’s, national parks, local businesses and government we are building a community of practice to research, conserve and restore these mountains.

Help us on our mission

Mountains Matter. They are home to 15% of the world’s population, host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, provide freshwater for everyday life to half of the global population and help to sustain agriculture and supply clean energy and medicines. Help us to protect them.

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