Empowering local scientists
We are working with universities to co-create a community of practice for southern African mountains. We sponsor students from the region to conduct field research using data from our weather stations to conduct their research.
Manica Highlands Research Trip
In August 2023 we sponsored three Zimbabwean graduates on a two week research trip to the Manica Highlands – led by renowned ecologist Sue Childs.
One of our objectives has always been to build a community of practice around the southern African mountain. The aim of this trip was to observe and understand both the historical and emerging socio-ecological threats that have impacted the biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Manica Highlands. This understanding enabled the graduates to find potential solutions aimed at mitigating these threats effectively.
They visited our 2 weather stations in the Bvumba Mountains and Nyanga National Park and also spent time in Chimanimani National Park and accessed and used the meteorological data for their research. Each of these sites have a legacy of rich biodiversity, harbouring native endemic aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna. They are also a large part of the watershed that supplies water to the major rivers flowing to the east of Zimbabwe.
The graduate students spotted the nesting sights of the blue swallow, Over 70% of the Zimbabwean Blue swallow population was recorded in Nyanga, making it a vitally important habitat. They saw a rare Aloeides mullini butterfly, they met with the Friends of Vumba Scouts and the Ecologist for Zim Parks.
In the coming months we aim to sponsor these students through their post graduate studies, enabling them to continue their vital work to conserve these precious landscapes.

Help us on our mission
Mountains Matter. They are home to 15% of the world’s population, host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, provide freshwater for everyday life to half of the global population and help to sustain agriculture and supply clean energy and medicines. Help us to protect them.